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Bean added that the “self-deprecating humor” was an attempt to celebrate Aussie culture, not condemn it. However, Shaq will probably want to work with a trainer if he wants to improve his Aussie accent.Too Soft

Earlier this year, Ad Standards slammed virtually the entire commercial industry because of an increase in violence in ads. In the first six months of the year, it received more than 1,100 complaints about violence, sexual content, and nudity.

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The agency fields calls for violations across all media channels, including free TV, pay TV, and social media. Among this year’s offenders have been Apple, Uber, Sony Pictures, and even Cancer Council Victoria.

Some of the more recent complaints are questionable, however. For example, the spot with the third-highest number of the year was an Uber Eats ad that included and the Irwin family, the famed animal-loving clan of the late Steve Irwin.

In it, Hilton appears with her pet chihuahua. Before the ad concludes, a snake eats the pet. Without the underlying context, it’s difficult to understand the humorous undertones. However, Aussies felt a snake eating a dog, even if it’s make-believe, was too violent.

Another spot, which depicted a character unable to close his mouth, was the second-place winner for the most complaints. It was an ad for a financial lender, but the viewing public felt it made fun of people with disabilities. Ad Standards agreed.

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